(2차년도) 통합적 문헌고찰: An Integrated Review of Measurement Tools for Racial-Ethnic Discrimination of Adolescents (In review)
This study synchronized and synthesized various tools used to assess discrimination, to identify gaps in their usage.
This study explores how discrimination can be appropriately measured in studies showing its influence on health outcomes in ethnic minority youths.
자료 추출
검색된 프레임 워크에는 인구, 중재, 통제, 결과가 포함되어 있음 (population, intervention, control, and outcome (PICO)).
Pubmed, Embase, PsycINFO 및 CINAHL에서 검색어 “adolescent,” “ethnic groups,” “discrimination,” “health.” 키워드를 사용하여 검색함.
2016년 1월 ~ 2021년 3월 31일 사이에 영어로 작성된 논문을 확인함.
검색된 118개의 논문 중 해당되지 않는 모집단이 포함된 105편의 논문을 제외하고 남은 13편의 논문 중 11편을 최종 선정함. PRISMA 선택법을 사용함.
프로젝트 결과
The most widely used discrimination tools were the everyday discrimination scale (EDS, n=2), Modified Everyday Discrimination Scale (Modified EDS, n=2), Discrimination Questionnaire (DQ, n=2), Major Events of Discrimination Scale (MEDS, n=1), Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index (ADDI, n=1), and Racial Ethnic Discrimination Index (REDI, n=1).
Places where adolescents usually experienced discrimination were streets [DQ], schools [ADDI, DQ, MEDS], shops [EDS, ADDI, DQ], workplaces [MEDS], and general society [Perceived discrimination subscale, EDS, ADDI, REDI].
The subjects of discrimination were the police [ADDI, DQ, MEDS], co-workers [ADDI], teachers [EDS, ADDI, DQ, MEDS], store or restaurant employees [EDS, ADDI, DQ], and ordinary people (society) [EDS, ADDI, REDI, DQ, Perceived discrimination subscale].
The most common psychometric property reported by the studies was the level of reliability using Cronbach’s alpha score (n=6).